2024 Calendar

 2024 Calendar
 2024 Calendar
 2024 Calendar
 2024 Calendar
 2024 Calendar
 2024 Calendar  2024 Calendar  2024 Calendar  2024 Calendar  2024 Calendar
2024 Calendar
Out of Stock


This is my letterpress printed calendar. All the images are hand carved by me, on linoleum blocks. Each image is printed with two carved blocks. One for the accent color, and then the master block is printed in dark ink over the accent color block print. All the type is set by hand, then printed on a antique letterpress printing press.

All the type and block printing are done by A to Z Letterpress in Montevideo MN.

Overall size is 8.5" x 9". The art images are roughly about 4" x 6".

$10 Each plus $3 for shipping